Eligibility Service Planning Services Waiting List Financial Contributions The mission of the New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services is to enable individuals with disabilities to achieve employment outcomes consistent with their strengths, priorities, needs, abilities and capabilities. The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services is there to help individuals with disabilities that are having trouble finding or holding a job because of their disability. If you or your adult child has a disability that is preventing you or them from working, or which is endangering your/their present employment, you may wish to submit a referral for services. To be eligible, an individual must have a physical or mental impairment that is a substantial impediment to employment. DVRS’ services are limited to employment and employment-related training and are geared toward successful employment. DVRS services are not of lifelong duration. Individuals interested in vocational rehabilitation services must complete an application available through one of 18 DVRS local offices listed below. A DVRS counselor will arrange an intake appointment no later than 14 days after the application is submitted. Eligibility for DVRS is determined within 60 days of the intake interview. Click here for a list of phone numbers for your county’s DVRS office. “Back to top
” DVRS offers vocational evaluation services to determine strengths, interests, and support needs of the individual. The assessment considers the assistive technology needs of the individual to be successfully employed, and must be completed prior to the development of a service plan. DVRS uses an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), which outlines the necessary services and supports for the individual. “Back to top
” Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors can assist an individual and his or her family members to understand available services and develop and implement the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) that should outline the necessary services and supports for the individual. Individual Counseling & Guidance can help the individual and his or her family to understand the local job market and competencies required for successful employment. Job-seeking Skills Training & Selective Job Placement can be done with the DVRS counselor or through a DVRS-approved Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP). Follow-up Support Services are provided once an individual is successfully placed in a competitive job in the community to maintain employment. Physical Restoration Services can include corrective surgery or therapeutic treatments, prosthetic and orthotic devices, diagnosis and treatment for mental and emotional disorders, eye glasses and visual services, interpreter services, transportation (after all options have been explored), telecommunications, sensory and other technological aids and devices, and other areas that, if not corrected, could be an impediment to employment. Job Coaching, Vocational, and On-the-job training is provided by a DVRS-approved community rehabilitation provider to support the individual in developing a competitive job based on his or her preferences, strengths, and support needs. “Back to top
” In the event of the need for a waiting list, DVRS must invoke an order of selection that prioritizes individuals with the most severe disabilities to be served first. “Back to top
” Individuals are required to fill out a Financial Need Assessment form prior to the IPE conference to determine the financial contributions, if any, for which the individual is responsible. The Division may waive the financial participation if the individual has extraordinary medical and disability related expenses or other unusual circumstances, which significantly affect the quality of family life and would preclude his or her participation in the cost of services. Services not based on economic need include: For more information of DVRS, please visit their website.