Upcoming and Recent Fund-Raising Events

Upcoming and Recent Fund-Raising Events

COSAC-sponsored Events

Each year, COSAC’s special events raise valuable funds for the organization.  To learn more about these great events and participation options, click on the links below.

COSAC’s 10th Annual Autism Charity Golf Outing

September 8, 2008
Forsgate Country Club, Monroe Township, NJ
Interested in helping to organize our 10th anniversary golf outing or would like to have your name added to our event mailing list?  Email your contact information to [email protected].  To view registration brochure, click here.  
To register online, click here.

Please note:  We are unable to accept online registration for major sponsorships (Grand, Tournament and Presenting).  If you are interested in participating at these levels, please call 609-883-8100 x21.

COSAC’s 2009 Gala

New Date:  March 21, 2009
Hilton East Brunswick, East Brunswick, NJ
Chaired by:  Lorraine and James Paone.
If you are interested in helping to organize next year’s event, contact Brynn Alberici at 609-883-8100 x21

COSAC’s 13th Annual Fall Gala: “Jazz it Up for Autism”

October 20, 2007
Featuring Special Musical Guests: Max Weinberg & Friends.  
Thank you to all our sponsors and participants who helped make this year’s event a huge success!
From Left to Right: Max Weinberg, Linda Meyer, Governor Jon Corzine, Michael Aquino
To view photos from the event, visit:  www.specialshotsunlimited.com. Click on “View and Order” and select “COSAC” from the menu.  Photos can be purchased directly from this site, with a portion of the proceeds benefitting COSAC.  

Upcoming and Recent Community Events to benefit COSAC

Ride for Autism

Ride for Autism 2008

June 14, 2008
Thank you to all riders, sponosors and volunteers!  So far, net proceeds of $80,000 have been donated to COSAC!

Westlake Country Club Tennis Tournament July 29

Westlake Golf & Country Club Tennis Tournament and Banquet

July 27, 2008
This third annual event featured a Tennis Round Robin Tournament, followed by a Wine & Cheese reception (4:00pm to 5:00pm) and Dinner (5:00pm to 7:00pm).  Congratulations and Thank You to event organizer Howard Lazan, 732-833-2926. The event raised $7,013 for COSAC!

Trenton Thunder Logo.bmp

Trenton Thunder Autism Awareness Game

August 10, 2008
Thank you to the Trenton Thunder for hosting this year’s second annual Autism Awareness Day at Waterfront Park in Trenton, NJ.  Jason Seeger, son of COSAC member Jackie Seeger, was on hand to sing during the 7th Inning Strech.  Thank you to Adam Smedberg of the Thunder for coordinating ticket sales and game activities.

SEA Paddle NYC

SEA Paddle NYC and White Water Evening

August 16 and 18, 2008
Surfer’s Environmental Alliance (SEA) will be hosting its second annual fundraiser this August.  On Saturday, August 16, join SEA for the The White Water Evening, featuring a silent and live auction, dinner, autograph session, live music and open bar.  On Monday, August 18, SEA hosts the invitation-only 28 mile paddle around Manhattan featuring the world’s best surfers.  Event proceeds benefit SEA and autism charities, including COSAC.  For more information or for tickets, visit www.seapaddlenyc.org.


Two River Film Festival

August 21, 2008
My Small Factory will premiere its DVD of animated short films for children, featuring works created by children with autism.  A portion of the DVD’s proceeds will benefit COSAC.  Festival is sold out!  For more information, visit www.tworiverfilmfestival.com

Community Event for COSAC

Kickoff Classic Five on Five Flag Football Tournament

August 31, 2008
First Annual flag football tournament will take place at Smith Field in Parsippany.  Kickoff scheduled for 9:00am.  Tournament will consist of three divisions:  middle school, high school and 18+.  Cost $75.00 per team.  Download team registration form.  For more
information, contact Cavan Londergan at [email protected].  For rules, visit


Greenwich Autism Alliance 2nd Annual Golf Outing

September 29, 2008
Colonia Country Club.  Golfing packages start at $350.  A variety of sponsorship opportunities available.  For more information, contact Joe Perez at 908-510-1737.  

Pacific Trail

Hike 4 Autism

April to July 2008
At the end of April, Bradley Schmidt will commence a 2650 mile hike from Mexico to Canada to raise money for autism awareness! All proceeds will benefit COSAC.  To donate to his efforts, click here.


To learn more about recent Community Events or how to plan your own, click here.