COSAC Website Classified Ad Rates

COSAC Website Classified Ad Rates

Our website receives an average of more than 6 thousand hits per month.  Individuals with autism and their families, professionals, media and legislators turn to COSAC on a daily basis for current and accurate autism information, resources, governmental advocacy, events, news and much more. This advertising option increases your visibility among all of these audiences. Click here for COSAC Classifieds.

Type of ad


Parent Seeking Services



Reseach Participant Wanted**



Professional Services*



Job Opportunities



Event Listing*



Web listings and classified ads will run for a two month period.  We will post new ads on a weekly basis. (e.g.: November 1 to January 1.)
To place your online classifed ad, contact COSAC Communications & Marketing Coordinator Jessica Alloway at 609.883.8100, extension 25, or e-mail [email protected].

* No advertisements will be approved that endorse treatments that do not correspond with COSAC’s Position Statement.
**For helpful information on being an informed research participant, please visit the Organization for Autism Research’s (OAR) website,, to view the Parent’s Guide to Research. Appendix B provides a list of questions to ask, prior to participating and your rights as a research participant. COSAC strongly recommends reviewing this information prior to participating in any research study.