“COSAC is the largest statewide network of parents and professionals dedicated to improving the lives of people with autism and their families. The following list summarizes our efforts. Clicking on the links below will take you to additional information about these services:
- Toll-free Information & Referral Line, 1-800-4-AUTISM, responds to more than 6,000 callers per year.
- Education workshops and support groups for parents and other family members of children with autism.
- Professional resources for teachers and other professionals responsible for educating and caring for children and adults with autism.
- Assistance with advocacy and legal rights issues for parents and guardians of individuals with autism of all ages.
- Promotion of autism awareness to the general public through collaboration with the media, businesses, and concerned citizens.
- Community outreach and partnerships to provide autism information to diverse populations and groups.
- Dissemination of current information about autism-related topics and events.
- Informational publications to educate readers about autism.
- Referral lists to link families with service providers.
- Education of legislators and state officials about issues that affect New Jersey’s autism community.
- Annual Issues in Autism Conference, one of the largest of its kind in the nation, with more than 1,400 attendees.
” In 1965, a group of concerned parents, frustrated by a lack of programs and support from their local school districts, met to discuss ways to support their children and each other. That first parent support group was known as the Council of Schools for the Emotionally Disturbed (COSED) and officially incorporated in 1967. As its scope broadened and the definition of autism became more uniform, the agency decided to focus its energy upon autism, and changed its name to the Council of Schools and Agencies for Autistic Children (COSAC) in 1974. More support groups were formed, and COSAC began to organize service providers around legislative and government issues. The organization underwent a name and concept change again in 1991, when it became the Center for Outreach and Services for the Autism Community, as it is known today. From its volunteer beginnings through a deliberate growth phase, COSAC now employs 25 full- and part-time professionals and continues to be governed by a Board of Trustees, most of whom are parents of children with autism. Throughout more than four decades, COSAC has been governed by parents, professionals, and community members, and that balance will be maintained into COSACss future. 2005 Ann Klein Advocate Award 2005 New Jersey Association for Persons in Supported Employment’s Special Tribute Award 2004 Servicios Latinos De Burlington County’s Breaking Down Barriers Award 2002-2003 New Jersey Kiwanis Charity of the Year 2000 New Jersey Association of Student Councils Charity of the Year